Getting Started with Front-End Web Development

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HTML Overview

  • Basis of all web pages
  • A markup language for documents
  • Other technologies enhance the page (such as CSS, JavaScript, Flash, AJAX)

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  • Originally designed by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN for reading rich text documents on work stations
  • Various versions for years, HTML5 is standard ~everywhere for past few years

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  • HTML is content
  • Content is separate from presentation
  • Consists of a pre-defined set of elements

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  • Tags use angle brackets, such as <p>
  • Often have a corresponding closing tag, such as </p>
  • Can be nested within each other
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Title of the page in the browser window</title>
        <p>The simplest possible web page</p>

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HTML Attributes

  • Tags can have attributes.
<a href="">A link to google</a>
  • The href="" part is an attribute

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Example Content Tags

<h1>A very large heading</h1>
<h2>A smaller heading</h2>
<h3>Smaller heading still</h3>
<p>A paragraph</p>
<a href="">A link to twitter</a>
<img alt="Google" src=""/>

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Nesting Warning

  • Tags should be closed appropriately when nesting. E.g:
<!-- Valid -->
<a href="">
    <h1> Nice heading</h1>
<!-- Invalid -->
<a href="">
    <h1> Nice heading</a>

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HTML Entities

  • Can't put <p> in the middle of your text. It will be used as a tag
  • Must use entities
&gt; >
&lt; <
&amp; &
&quot; "

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Semantic Tags

<div id="content">
    <p>Content <span class="inline-emphasis">here</span></p>
  • Div - A section or block that goes together
  • span - Like a div, but inline

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Id vs. Class

  • id - unique on page, like a user

  • class - not unique, like a group

  • Used with CSS and JavaScript:

    • Choose the element with an id
    • Choose the elements with a class

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  • A declarative language for specifying how a document is presented
  • "styling"

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CSS Syntax

  • selector
  • property
  • value

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CSS Syntax Example

p {
    text-align: left;
  • p - selector
  • text-align - property
  • left - value

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CSS Semantics

  • For content matching this selector:

    • Set the property to this value
p {
    text-align: left;
  • For content in a p tag, set the text-alignment to left

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Id vs. Class

<p class='emphasized' id='desc'>Information</p>

// All elements with emphasized class will be bold
.emphasized {
    font-weight: bold;

// The element with desc id will have a margin
#desc {
    margin: 4px 2px;

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CSS Selectors

  • Combining tags, class, and id
<p class="emphasized">Content</p>
<p id="desc">Content</p>
// A p tag with emphasized class
p.emphasized {
    font-weight: bold;

// A p tag with desc id
p#desc {
    margin: 4px 2px;

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CSS Selector Group

  • Combine selectors into comma-separated list
// elements with either class
.emphasized, .interesting {
    font-size: 10px;
  • , - OR

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CSS Descendant Combinator

  • Combine selectors into space-separated list
  • A B {... -> B is a descendant of A
// Element with interesting class, inside element with emphasized class
.emphasized .interesting {
    font-style: italic;

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CSS Selectors

  • Combining tags, class, and id
<p class="emphasized">Content</p>

<span class="emphasized><p>Content</p></span>
// A p tag with emphasized class
p.emphasized {
    font-weight: bold;

// A p tag of an emphasized class element (likely div or span)
p .emphasized {
    font-weight: bold;

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Local Setup

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Chrome Inspector Tools

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  • Original purpose - animations and effects
  • Allows for programming that runs in a browser
  • Can now run outside of a browser (Node.js)

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JavaScript Design

  • Somewhat OOP, somewhat FP
  • Dynamic and weakly typed
  • Syntax is C/Java-like
  • Closer to Python/Ruby than C/Java in semantics

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JavaScript Syntax

var add = function(a, b) {
    return a + b;
  • {}- block
  • ; - statement

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JavaScript Data

  • Numbers, Strings, Booleans, null, undefined
var a = 3;
var b = 3.4;
var c = 'Oh hai';
var d = null;
var e = undefined;

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function(arg) {
    return arg;

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// Function declaration
function func(arg) {
    return arg;

// Function expression
var func = function (arg) {
    return arg;

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Inline Function

var sidebar = document.getElementById('sidebar');

sidebar.onclick = function(event) {
    console.log(event, 'clicked');

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  • Document Object Model
  • HTML + CSS in a tree data structure
  • JavaScript queries DOM and updates it
var sidebar = document.getElementById('sidebar');

sidebar.innerHTML = '<p>New content</p>';

Dom Overview Reference

var sidebar = $('#sidebar');
sidebar.html('<p>New Content</p>');

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  • Library for simpler DOM API
  • Ajax, animation, other features added in.
<script src=""></script>
  • N.B. CDN

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JavaScript Animation Example

  • Change body to
    <p id="message">JavaScript is Fun</p>
    <button id="bounce">Click here to bounce</button>
        $("button#bounce").click(function() {

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JQuery Animation Callbacks

  • Change script tag to:
$("button#bounce").click(function() {
        .slideDown(500, function() {
            $(this).css('color', 'red');

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JQuery Animation Callbacks Continued

  • Change script tag to:
$("button#bounce").click(function() {
        .css('color', 'red')
        .slideDown(500, function() {
            $(this).css('color', 'black');

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JQuery Animation Future-Proofing

    var $el = $('p#message'),
        el_orig_color = $el.css('color');
        .css('color', 'red')
        .slideDown(500, function(){
            $(this).css('color', el_orig_color);

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JavaScript Chain Select Example

Saved in a fiddle -

  • Be sure jQuery is loaded
// HTML body
  <select name="make">
      <option value="ford">Ford</option>
      <option value="chev">Chevrolet</option>
      <option value="toyo">Toyota</option>
      <option value="volk">Volkswagen</option>
  <select name="model">
      <option value="NA">--Please choose a Make--</option>
  <input type="submit" value="Submit">

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JavaScript Chain Select Continued

// JavaScript
var make_model_lookup = {
  'ford': [
      ['taur', 'Taurus'],
      ['esco', 'Escort']
  'chev': [
      ['cava', 'Cavalier'],
      ['volt', 'Volt']
  'toyo': [
      ['camr', 'Camry'],
      ['coro', 'Corolla']
  'volk': [
      ['jett', 'Jetta'],
      ['golf', 'Golf']

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More JS

$('select[name=make]').change(function() {
  var $select_model = $('select[name=model]'),
      make_value = this.value,
      model_options_list = make_model_lookup[make_value];
  for(var i = 0; i < model_options_list.length; i++) {
      var model_value = model_options_list[i][0],
          model_display_value = model_options_list[i][1];
      var model_option =
          '<option value="' + model_value + '">' +
          model_display_value + '</option>';

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JavaScript Chain Select

  • select "Make" - On change event, sets options for model select
  • .change() - Takes a function as an argument.
  • hardcoded lookup table - Might be AJAX in context
  • N.B. select options for "make" must line up with lookup table

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JavaScript Warts

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JavaScript Variables

  • global by default - use var
x = 3
// ...
var weird_add = function(a, b) {
    x = a + 1;
    y = b + 1;
    return x + y - 2;
console.log(weird_add(10, 20));
var x = 3
// ...
var weird_add = function(a, b) {
    var x = a + 1;
    var y = b + 1;
    return x + y - 2;
console.log(weird_add(10, 20));

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JavaScript Weak Types

"37" - 7 // 30
"37" + 7 // "377"

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JavaScript this

  • this can be window
  $("button#bounce").click(function() {
          .slideDown(500, function() {
              // Here, this is the current element
              $(this).css('color', 'red');

// Here, this is the window
this === window; // true
this.document === document; // true
  • unless using "use string";

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JavaScript 'use strict'

  • Add the following
// top of file
'use strict';

// OR

function func(arg) {
    'use strict';
    // ... function body
    return x

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Browsers Are Weird

JavaScript and the DOM are often quirky

  • There are many browsers
  • Not every browser plays by the rules
  1. Start with Chrome or Firefox
  2. If you started with Chrome, make it work for FF or vice-versa
  3. Troubleshoot where your pages don't work in IE, safari or on mobile

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